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The sense of smell is underused as a way to improve mood and energy levels.
With a symptom of Covid-19 being a loss of smell and taste, it's worth a
look at how our olfactory glands have a role in keeping us well and helping
us to enjoy life's pleasures in these tricky times.
Smell is said to be accountable for 80 per cent of the flavours we taste, so
the impact of losing it can be devastating. Food becomes bland and we can't
get the dopamine fix attached to eating our favourite meals, or sniff out
when foods are off. Similarly, we can't benefit from the holistic benefits
of natural scents either.
Essential oils have an important role to play in supporting our mental
health and general wellbeing. From stimulating the limbic system and
hypothalamus, which regulates our body clock and sleep patterns, to
prompting us to access happy and energising memories, it's a sense that can
help us through these gloomy winter seasons.
"The limbic system sends messages to the hypothalamus, which is the part of
the brain that releases hormones, regulates emotional responses and keeps
healthy sleep patterns," says Marc Shipman, founder of GO2. "The activity of
the hypothalamus is reduced by low levels of sunlight and vitamin D, so
essential oil inhaler sticks are an effective way to support these systems,
especially in the winter months now the clocks have gone forward."
GO2 is the first U.K.-based company to launch 100 per cent natural essential
oil inhaler sticks to help people address a variety of problems. The range
features sticks that help boost focus or energy, improve sleep quality, or
ease anxiety and stress.